Immersion in an astronomical observatory

7 days
All year round
From 2 years old

« This is more that a simple visit or a night of space observation : This is a true immersion in the daily life of an astronomical observatory. For 7 days, you will follow the life of astronomers and astrophysicists in the center and make you own scientifical experiments too. 

The observatory is specialized in the detection of exoplanets, which are outside the solar system. You will learn how to manipulate the telescope, how to observe the sky and analyze data.

You won't need any experience in the field but only to look up and let the magic happen. »

Nicolas Co founder of Odysway
Payez en 3 versements
Payez avec vos chèques vacances


    • Discussions with astronomers and astrophysicists during a meal 
    • Carry real missions of observation 
    • Be able to control the observatory's dome
    • Keep your own pictures, which will be sent by e-mail 
    • Validation of the official astronomy passport - Level 1

    Adventure's itinerary

    Local guides

    This adventure is supervised by Marc, the founder of the observatory. During your stay, you will meet all the members of the team. You will have your meals with them, so that you can talk with astronomers or astrophysicits. Those are unforgettable encounters ! 

    Founder of the observatory
    Immersion in an astronomical observatory
    Payez en 3 versements
    Payez avec vos chèques vacances

    Décrivez-nous votre projet, un conseiller Odysway reviendra vers vous avec un devis personnalisé
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