Discover the art of wildlife photography

6 days
Apr to Dec
From 5 years old

« More than a simple photo masterclass, we created a true immersion in the life of a wildlife photographer. Of course, you will learn the basic skills and settings of the camera but also how to approach animals without disturbing them. You will be able to find foxes, deers, hawks and if you are particularly fortunate, wolves and lynxes.

For 6 days, you will live with Fabien Bruggmann, a true expert of wildlife photography known worldwide for his pictures of wolves and lynxes. You will sleep in a renovated chalet in the Haut-Jura nature park.  »

Nicolas Co founder of Odysway
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    • Great teachings about wildlife photography
    • An immersion in the life of a willife photographer 
    • The environment of the Haut-Jura nature park
    • Organic and local meals eaten with a beautiful view of the mountains

    Adventure's itinerary

    Local guides

    This adventure is supervized by Fabien Bruggmann. He has been a professionnal photographer for more than 20 years and he is a renowned for his wildlife photographs, especially for his pictures of wolves and lynxes. 

    Besides technical knowledge, Fabien will also teach you all the environmental principles of wildlife photography and will show you the beauties of Haut Jura. 

    To live a beautiful adventure, immersed in the life of a wildlife photographer, you will live in the chalet that Fabien fitted out. If you want, you will also have the opportunity to eat with him and his family. 

    Fabien Bruggmann
    Wildlife photographer
    Discover the art of wildlife photography
    Payez en 3 versements
    Payez avec vos chèques vacances


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