Travel with a shaman in Peru

13 days
All year round
Hotel, Homestay
From 10 years old

« More than a simple trip, we have created a complete immersion in Peru. From initiation to traditional shamanism, the visit of the sacred valley of the Incas to the discovery of the Quechua culture in remote communities. This adventure is the perfect package to live an authentic experience, far away from tourists »

Nicolas Co-founder of Odysway
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  • A visit to Machu Picchu with a shaman
  • The discovery of the Sacred Valley of the Incas
  • Shamanic ceremonies and meditations
  • The immersion with remote Quechua communities
  • A French-speaking guide for the entire duration of the adventure

Adventure's itinerary

Local guides

This adventure is supervised by a French-speaking guide. During the experience in the communities, you will also be accompanied by Danielle, a French-speaking expatriate in Peru for more than 20 years. She has been living in a traditional Quechua community for 10 years now and is committed to helping travellers discover an authentic Peru. She will guide you during this adventure.

During the 5-day shamanic experience, you will be guided and hosted by two shamans of the Queros community, Augustin and Justino.

Traditional shaman
Chamane traditionnel
French-speaking guide


Here are some videos that our previous travellers recorded there. The first one shows a shamanic ceremony. The second is an immersion of two of our travellers in the Quechua community.
Travel with a shaman in Peru
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