Travel to the land of the first humans in Ethiopia

12 days
Oct to May
Hotel, bivouac
From 5 years old

« Travel near Kibish in southern Ethiopia, where the oldest fossilized remains of Homo sapiens have been found. Odysway takes you on an adventure out of time to meet the Surmas and other tribes, inhabitants of southern Ethiopia living in the Omo Valley. Discover their lifestyle, which has changed very little over the millennia. Body modifications are part of the common practices of these groups, such as initiation rites. »

Romain Founder of Odysway
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  • Meeting with the tribes of the Omo River
  • Immersion with the Surmas for 4 days
  • The sumptuous and varied landscapes of southern Ethiopia
  • Nights in bivouac
  • French-speaking guide

Adventure's itinerary

Local guides

You will be accompanied by a French speaking guide throughout your trip, from your arrival at the airport to your last day. Depending on the stages, and during the immersion with the Surmas, local guides will also be present.


Discover this video which presents the life and daily life of a village of the Surma tribe, also called Suris.
Travel to the land of the first humans in Ethiopia
Payez en 3 versements
Payez avec vos chèques vacances

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